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10 Best Colors to Wear This Winter

by ENEZ SARI 21 Dec 2022

Winter outfit with gray jeans, pale pink sweater, and white beanie

Winter is in full swing, but that doesn’t mean your wardrobe has to be boring and bland.

Even after the holiday season, you can keep your clothes cozy, bright, and on-trend throughout the cold winter months. And we're here to help with some inspiration!

Read on for some of our fave winter color combinations that will have you looking cute and stylish even if the weather outside is dull and drab.

1. Cool Cobalt

This bright blue hue has been taking over our lives since summer. And it’s here to stay as a staple in winter clothes colors. According to the experts at What To Wear, cobalt is a favorite for winter clothes combinations because it pairs well with other bright shades along with neutral tones.

Find a deep cobalt sweater and pair it with your favorite black leggings for a cozy look, or create a colorful ensemble by adding pops of fuschia along with a cobalt blue skirt. 

2. Metallic Materials 

Everything shiny and silver doesn't have to go back in the closet after the holidays. Chic metallics are popular winter colors for clothes in 2022. Metallics offer a bright spot during a usually drab season. You can find plenty of metallic accessories from shoes to handbags that can complement other winter colors.

3. Fierce Fuchsia

As you can probably see, our favorite winter color combinations don’t shy away from color. Fuschia is another example of a great winter clothing color that can elevate your seasonal wardrobe.

Though this color stands out, it also complements many other shades. Create a bright winter wardrobe with shades of yellow and orange, or cool things down by pairing your fuschia clothes with white.

4. Beautiful Burgundy

While you might think of red and green as a classic winter color combination, burgundy is a great way to elevate this look throughout the season. This deep red looks chic when paired with olive tones and white, but is also versatile enough to pair well with black and gray.

5. Baby Blue

Nothing screams true winter like fresh snow and ice. Match the cold weather by embracing icy blue in your wardrobe. These shades of pale blue offer a light contrast so some of the more dark colors you find in a winter palette.

Stand out this winter season with a softer solar palette that includes baby blue, bright white, and light purples.

6. Winter White

Of course, we can’t forget about the best winter color: white. Many fashion experts point out that whites are frequently a part of every major fashion designers’ winter collection. A while puffer jacket, hat, or scarf can be a bright spot among the dark winter colors.

White should always be a part of your winter color palette. It’s perfect for creating high contrast winter outfit ideas since it pairs well with everything from bright shades, neutral hues, and rich colors the season is known for.

7. Befitting Brown

Another versatile color for the season is brown. While usually associated with fall, you can’t go wrong with a buttery brown for winter. Consider a pair of sleek brown gloves or knee-high boots to complement a burgundy skirt and bright white sweater.

8. Casual Cream

For something a little less bold than brown, consider a casual cream or camel color.

Of course, you can also create contract levels with different shades of brown. Accessorize your warm camel trench coat with a deep brown handbag or so called “downtown brown” hat or boots. 

9. Pale Pink

Another alternative to a boulder color on this list is pale pink. While fuschia is an eye-catching shade, pale pink is a great color, especially as we transition from winter into spring.

Though pastel pink is a staple during the spring, its popularity has lasted all year. You can find pale pink sweaters, scarves, skirts and more that you can create stunning winter outfit combinations with.

10. Gorgeous Gray

Finally, don’t be afraid to shy away from gray during the winter. There’s nothing better than a cozy gravy grandpa sweater paired with your favorite pair or leggings for a cozy look. It’s a great neutral that can be brightened up with the addition of colors like pale pink or cobalt blue.

Ready for more winter clothes combinations? LA7 has all your clothes to wear this winter covered. Shop our new arrivals to find some of these winter color combinations for yourself!
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